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Next import the note back into Evernote

You can delete the original note we created above in Evernote first if you choose. It is important not to sync until after the final step. For this reason it may be useful to import the note into a local ( non-syncing ) notebook for now.

Now that the note is imported select the iframe portion of the note. As shown below. ( I placed my cursor at the end of the text and Pressed "Shift+Ctrl+END" to make the selection on a PC )


After you selection is complete you will need to encrypt the selection


Click OK to finish encrypting you selection (iframe)

The final result should look like this

Now it is safe to move this note to a notebook that can be synced. When ever you sync the note it will work fine.
Of course the downside is you will need to enter your password each time you want to see the contents of the iframe.

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